Friday, June 28, 2019

Fireworks Fun

“Peek of the Week”
Fourth of July Commentary
June 28, 2019

Fireworks Fun

In July 1776, John Adams had the following to say about the importance of America’s Independence Day:

I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival… … It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.

From the very first 4th of July in 1777, fireworks made of black ash were shot off and we have only gotten bigger, brighter, and louder ever since. Test your fireworks knowledge by matching the terms below:

1.    Firecrackers             A. Versions include Jumping Jacks and Blooming Flowers

2.    Smoke Bombs         B. Cone-shaped device that shoots colorful sparks

3.    Fountains                C. Black Cats, M-80, and Lady Fingers

4.    Ground Spinners     D. Shots from device with a crackle, flash, or explosion

5.    Aerial Repeaters     E. Whistle while taking off and explode at peak height

6.    Roman Candles      F. Tubes bundled together to form a “cake” looking device

7.    Bottle Rockets         G. Don’t generally explode, but does emit a variety of colors

Fireworks are a lot of fun, but they must be used legally and safely. Know the laws in your city and state before lighting up. Additionally, adhere to these guidelines to ensure all have a safe holiday:

  • Don’t mix fireworks and alcohol
  • Always have water handy
  • Don’t try to re-light duds
  • Keep fireworks away from home, dry grass, and trees
  • Don’t shoot off fireworks in glass or metal containers
  • Don’t light fireworks in your hand
  • If children are setting off fireworks, always have adult supervision

We wish you a fun and safe holiday. And, if you have concerns about the safety of your investments, please let us know so we can discuss.

Quiz Answers:
1-C, 2-G, 3-B, 4-A, 5-F, 6-D, 7-E

Best regards,

Leif M. Hagen
Leif M. Hagen, CLU, ChFC

v  The above material was prepared by Carson Coaching.

v  Photo by Sabrina Wishak, @swishak 


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